It will be very exciting for boys in Years 3 – 5 in the Prep to begin their ‘Open Homework’ task this weekend, if they so wish, ahead of making sure whatever they produce is finished and brought into school in time for our ‘Open Homework’ exhibition in the James Hall next Friday. That will be a busy and very enjoyable day, as we have a special ‘House Lunch’ planned, in conjunction with the House Football competition that is due to take place in the afternoon that day as well.
Boys and girls in the Pre-Prep have already been working on their ‘Open Homework’ projects this week. The theme for everyone this year is the same: it is the word three. Hmmm…or is it the number 3? Either way, Prep parents do please look carefully at Mr Ford’s letter and talk to your boys about how they might wish to interpret the theme this year. Three wise men? Three little pigs? How many triangles are there in the pyramid over the entrance to the Louvre in Paris? Could the boys compose a waltz in ¾ time? Who sculpted the original ‘Three Graces’ and where is it currently housed? Whatever the boys in the Prep choose to investigate over the next few days, I hope they enjoy doing so. I hope they let their minds and imaginations wander and I hope they put their research skills to good use to create something new and interesting to amaze us all by the end of next week!