The light showed up all the germs on our hands, even though we couldn’t see them! We are all working hard at washing our hands with soap and making a ‘bubble party’ before rinsing the germs away. Liz talked to us about the importance of keeping our teeth clean too. Using a huge model of a mouth and an even bigger toothbrush, she showed us how to clean our teeth properly.

We have been learning about the story of the Little Red Hen. We read different versions, noticing different farm animal characters in each. One thing was the same, however, none of the animals offered their help to the Little Red Hen. We talked about how they should have been kind and helpful which, of course, is one of our Golden Rules!

We have been learning all about bread this week, from field to bakery.  That is, the farmer sowing seeds to grow wheat, before this is harvested and taken to be milled into flour.  We looked very closely at some real wheat. We are looking forward to baking our own bread rolls next week.

We also had fun cutting and using Sellotape to make our own hen masks and then using them to act out the story with our friends. There was also lots of designing going on in Kindergarten, making Little Red Hens – we used feathers and googly eyes to transform paper plates into little hens, which are now on display in our classroom.

Please may I remind you to label your child’s jumpers and coats clearly to help them look after their belongings in school.

Our topic next week is The Enormous Turnip.