Some other Year 5 and Year 6 boys were in action that day, striding along the playing fields of Epsom College in their annual cross country event. We sent three Year 5s and three Year 6s to take part. There were 25 schools attending so hundreds of children were racing and the standard was high. Mrs Mills was accompanying them and said that they all put in an outstanding effort to earn a place in the top half of the field. A special mention goes to Thomas F in Year 5 who raced to 11th place in his category.

There were also plenty of football fixtures this week, with most Year groups in action against either Surbiton Prep or The Mall. There were some great games played, but I want to make a special mention of Year 4 who had their best set of results as a year group since their time here. It is a testament to their hard work, teamwork and applying the work that has been done in training (ably led by Mr Barber). A big well done to them.

There are no fixtures next week but the boys will still be training in earnest for Friday afternoon’s House Football Tournament! The first game will kick off at 2:15pm on Friday. I will send more information about this next week but please do come and spectate.

I have had couple of questions about what sport will be taking place in Sports lessons after half term. The boys will continue with football and will have football fixtures. Rugby will start on the 4th December to give boys time for a steady introduction to contact before the start of fixtures in January.

Finally, as winter approaches it is a certainty the weather will be getting colder and some boys will want to wear layers under their football kit. I would like to remind you that long sleeved ‘skins’ and leggings should be navy blue only as specified on the school uniform list. As it rains more, the boys will also be coming home with more mud on them. Please remind them to pack their full tracksuit to wear after sessions.