Anti-Bullying Week takes place nationally next week.  On Monday 13 November, we will be joining with many schools and other organisations across the country by inviting pupils here to participate in Odd Socks Day.

Odd Socks Day takes place at the start of Anti-Bullying Week each year to raise awareness of bullying. The idea of wearing odd socks is that it is an opportunity for people at schools and workplaces to celebrate their individuality and it is a reminder of the duty we all have to stand up against bullying and discrimination. More details about the day can be found on the Anti-Bullying Alliance website.

Our School Councillors had their second meeting this week and are very keen to support Children in Need on Friday 17 November, so whilst no donations are necessary for wearing odd socks on Monday, they will have a bucket outside ready to collect money for this great cause on Friday morning.  They will also be holding a book swap later this term and all monies raised will go to the same charity. Greater details will be sent out by School Council.

At their instigation, we now have a new ‘suggestions box’ to collect ideas for School Council to discuss and take forward at their meetings – please do encourage your child to write their ideas down to post in this box.

In school this week, we have talked about the significance and origins of Bonfire Night and, in particular, Guy Fawkes’ hand in this as a disruptor, as well as the significance of Diwali.

The recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge this week was Elias (Year 1) for always moving smartly around our school, and for being noticed yesterday by Miss Johnston for being exceptionally helpful at tidy up time.

Stars of the Week were awarded to:

Year 2:  Charles for working so diligently in our maths lesson.  Well done, Charles!

Year 1:  Henry H for fantastic effort in reading – reading with expression, and fluently with excellent comprehension.

Reception: Lucas for his lovely neat writing for Diwali.  Well done, Lucas!

Congratulations to Charlie (Year 2) for achieving player of the week at his rugby club at half term and for being star of the week at his Stagecoach; he won this for being a very loud star the size of a peanut!

Finally, Happy Diwali to all our families celebrating this weekend and, on this note, what a fabulous event the HPPA arranged for the children around this important festival today!