Back in Autumn 2019 reading an edition of the Attain magazine, my heart was gladdened to see the line ‘do read a bedtime story to your child every night’ in an article with the title, ‘Ten golden rules for parents’ as I am a staunch believer that reading stories to children is a so very, very important.  A bedtime story should be a part of daily life – even for children well beyond the infant phase.  Research has shown time and time again that a child’s vocabulary at 5 years old is a key indicator of their success later in life.  Children who are read to regularly have a significantly larger vocabulary by age 5 compared to those who are not.  For instance, being read to five times a week can expose a child to up to 1.4 million more words than children who are never read to.

A quick reminder that we have our Reading Information Evening next week for Reception, Years 1 and 2 on Thursday 26 September at 6.30pm.  Please note the talks take place at Pre-Prep at 6.30pm in your child’s current classroom.  We hope to see you next week.

We are delighted to announce this term’s school councillors and look forward to hearing about their plans for the term ahead.  Our councillors are as follows:  Niam and Ivaan (Reception), Lucas and Wilf (Year 1) and Oscar S and Bertie (Year 2).

It gives me great pleasure to announce this term’s House Captains and Vice Captains – we have carefully explained to the children that everyone in Year 2 gets a turn at some point during the academic year, so if your child returns home a little despondent today, please do reiterate this important message.

Red (Lancaster) – House Captain, Lani and Vice-Captain, Rafe

Yellow (Windsor) – House Captain, Kian and Vice-Captain, Tristan

Blue (Tudor) – House Captain, Ethanand Vice-Captain, Cameron

Green (York) – House Captain, Seby and Vice-Captain, Sebastian

This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Arjunah for going out of his way to greet his teachers and ask them how they are each morning.  What a polite boy he is!

and Stars of the Week to:

Year 2: Bertie for showing us all his incredible attitude to learning.  We love having Bertie in the Pre-Prep!

Year 1: Coco for exceptional enthusiasm for learning.  What a joy you are, Coco!

Reception: George for taking great care with his work.  Well done, George.

A number of presentations were made in assembly yesterday and our congratulations to all!

Reception –  Niam was awarded with a trophy from Chiswick Rugby Club for his great enthusiasm and playing the game really well. His coach, Sam, said he ran really fast and is a real team player.  Well done, Niam!

Year 1Prayan for his certificate for completing the Summer Reading Challenge – Marvellous Makers.

Year 2Seby for his trophy awarded to him for coming second in a Chess Competition.

Lastly on a sadder note, I must draw your attention once again to parking matters within the immediate area around the School.  Over the last week, I have been in pretty frequent communication with several of our neighbours about parking infringements. Naturally people get very upset when they are inconvenienced by cars parked across their driveways, people parking illegally on double yellow lines/corners, and general inattention and consideration for other road users.  Please do park considerately to help us to maintain harmonious relationships with our neighbours.  Further along Wensleydale Road (towards Broad Lane) there is usually ample parking which is just a short walk from school.  Please can you pass this message on to anyone who collects or drops off your child.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.