The children were fascinated to learn that at the turn of the century it was in fact women who played football, whilst men were still preoccupied with cricket.  The advent of the First World War changed all this since the soldiers discovered football whilst away in different places.  The tragedy was that the FA decided to ban football for women in 1921 because they deemed it “unsuitable”.  It wasn’t until another 50 years had passed, in 1971, that the FA removed the ban. It was a fascinating deep dive into the world of football.  Every single member of the class read or recited their lines with expression and clarity, richly deserving the many marbles awarded to them!

In mathematics, the children have turned their attention to addition and subtraction, building on their previous learning of number bonds to 10 and related facts to find bonds to 100. The focus has also been on multiples of 10 that have bonds to 100. They have worked on choosing strategies required to work out addition and subtraction facts efficiently and quickly.

In science we had a lot of fun “tinkering” with magnets to investigate materials and their properties, investigating which materials are magnetic.

In English, the children are getting ready to write their very own stanza based on Edward Lear’s poem, “The Jumblies”.  These funny creatures went to sea in a sieve, so the children have set to work, choosing equally nonsense vessels for their own Jumblies to sail in; choices range from a bottle, a hat and even a bath-tub – in fact, the stranger the better! We shall complete our own poetry writing next week.  The children have also started to learn to recite the poem, and aim to have it learnt off by heart by the end of next week.

Enjoy a relaxing weekend.