Kindergarten loved their first trip offsite this week, and it was great to hear what a fabulous time they all had at our local bakery. The Cavan bakery staff commented on the children’s lovely manners when making their purchases, which is always so pleasing to hear. 

Preparations for Christmas get well underway next week – it promises to be a busy one!  Kindergarten perform their Christmas play in their classroom on Tuesday 26 November, which we greatly look forward to. Rehearsals for the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 production begin in earnest next week, too.  You should have received a letter outlining plans for the build up to Christmas here via SchoolPost – please do look for it if you haven’t read it yet, as it contains all the information you need to know during this busy time.  Parking is a subject we return to time and time again and we would kindly ask that to maintain harmonious relationships with our neighbours, please do park considerately when attending any school function, or indeed when dropping off or collecting your child/children. 

Promoting road safety is vitally important as it is a very sad fact that road crashes are the biggest killer of young people worldwide. In 2023 there were an estimated 1,645 fatalities, a decline of 4% compared to data for 2022, however, there has been very little change to the number of seriously injured casualties – there are still way too many children and young people involved in serious road traffic accidents.  The slogan this year, ‘Be a Road Safety Hero’ caught our attention.  In assemblies, we have spoken about the importance taking sensible precautions when out and about, particularly when close to busy roads.  We have stressed the importance of always walking along pavements, holding hands with an adult whenever crossing roads, and seeking safe places to do so, for example, zebra crossings, footbridges or pelican crossings.   

During discussions, we have also talked about why it is so important that schools have zigzag markings outside them.  I know this is a subject I have written about often, but please for the sake of the children do not park on the zigzags! Their primary purpose is to keep the children safe and, of course, this is even more important as the dark nights draw in.  Added to this, engines left idling affect smaller children far more greatly than others – they are just the height to get a blast of the nasty, noxious fumes when engines are left running. 


This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Charles (Year 2) for starting each day with a cheerful “Good morning, how are you?” – and for being so kind and considerate to his friends and adults alike. 


and Stars of the Week to the following pupils:   

 Year 2: Cameron for working so diligently – both is school and at home – to perfect his addition and subtraction skills. 

Year 1:  Charlie for fantastic systematic number bond work – amazing mathematical thinking. 

Reception: Harry for sharing his fabulous knowledge about endangered animals. 


We celebrated several achievements in school this week, both children in Reception – Harry for his Bouncy Award and Jon for being selected Half Backs Player of the Week. 


As per my note on SchoolPost, please don’t forget to send in a clearly named carrier bag (preferably a reusable bag, not too large) with your child on Monday – thank you in advance! 


Have a super weekend!