World Book Day was, of course, a highlight, and we adored seeing the marvellous array of colourful costumes and listening to the children talk about their favourite books. After the exciting book day parade at the Prep, the children came back to Pre-Prep to answer questions at our very special Hampton Pre-Prep Book quiz! Alongside their Year 2 friends, the children worked in colour teams and we were delighted with their excellent knowledge of books.   

Our maths learning has focused on using our knowledge of place value to learn about numbers within 50.  We can identify how many tens and ones are in two-digit numbers and use this information to compare numbers.  We now know how to use a part-whole model to partition a number into tens and ones and that the value of the whole and each part does not change in either order. We have also been estimating where numbers sit on a number line, identifying the mid-way point to help us with this task. I have been impressed with the way the children are able to justify their reasoning when deciding where to place their numbers. For example, I know that the number 43 must sit here because the midway point is 45, and 43 is less than 45.  What brilliant evidence of mathematical thinking – well done, Year 1!