In literacy, we have spoken about the characters in our Oxford Reading Tree (ORT) stories – learning about each one, looking carefully at their names and using our phonics to blend the letters to read the words. We read some big book stories on our interactive whiteboard. You may like to look at this website at home
All the children have a reading book for the weekend, together with a reading diary and two small ziplock bags containing sounds and sight words – please return these every day to school. Have fun sharing the book together, talking about the illustrations and recognising the names of the different characters within the text. During our phonics sessions, we have been focusing on the correct cursive formation of the letters /s/, /a/ and /t/, and have been playing some oral blending games. The children have also been learning to recognise the letters and sounds in their names, and have been forming the letters out of coloured clay and decorating their names with beads for a display in class.
In mathematics, we have been counting up to 10 and using our hands to practise quickly showing correct amounts of fingers when a number is said out loud. We have been learning how to form numerals 0, 1 and 2 correctly, remembering always to start numbers at the top.
Don’t forget to return your library folder and book every Tuesday and to pack a Show and Tell to share each Wednesday!
Have a lovely weekend.