We also combined Art and Literacy and each made our very own treasure maps! To make our maps look old, we ripped the edges off our paper and used a teabag dipped in water to stain the paper brown – this was such fun. The children were so excited to add the details onto their maps. Some even featured dinosaurs!!! We then had to label our maps using our phonics knowledge.
In mathematics, we have been looking at our teen numbers in more depth. We have practised forming the numbers correctly and representing these numbers in different ways. We even got to play maths bingo! We also looked at some addition sums using the bigger numbers.
Our role play area has turned into a beach tiki hut by the ocean and the children have been very busy serving each other delicious food and drinks and using their maths skills to play with the money.
Finally, we used very runny paint to create jellyfish. Did you know that if you tilt the paper when wet, the paint will run downwards to create jellyfish tentacles?