Join our School! The Pre-Prep Open Morning will take place on Friday 28 February 2025. To come and see us, please click on the link.


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We offer a range of peripatetic music lessons, in our dedicated music rooms, where pupils can begin to experience the joy of learning an instrument. Pupils can currently choose to learn to play the piano, clarinet, saxophone, violin, guitar, drums and a range of brass instruments.

Our small orchestra offers the opportunity for pupils to experience the benefit and delight of playing their instruments in an ensemble setting, thus building up their teamwork skills alongside many performance opportunities. Drum Circle and Ukulele Club are popular co-curricular activities that also offer opportunities to enjoy sharing music with others as well as to perform.

Choir meets once a week to practise vocal techniques and to learn new repertoires. There are many performance opportunities including carol services, concerts and assemblies, as well as singing in the local community.