Join our School! The Pre-Prep Open Morning will take place on Friday 28 February 2025. To come and see us, please click on the link.


Visit Us

Our school day is designed to provide maximum opportunity for pupils to explore, discover and be challenged in academic pursuit, as well as during their co-curricular experiences and play times.

We also offer excellent before and after school-care provision as we appreciate this is helpful for many parents.


TimePre-Prep Timetable
8.00 amEarly drop begins
8.30 amSchool opens
8.55 amGate locked
9.00 amFirst session
10.30 - 10.50 amMorning break
10.50 am Second session
11.45 am1st lunch sitting (Kindergarten and Reception)
12.00 pmKindergarten morning session ends
12.15 pm2nd lunch sitting (Years 1 and 2)
1.00 pmKindergarten afternoon session begins
1.10 pmReception - Year 2 third session begins
2.30 - 2.50 pmAfternoon break (Reception to Year 2)
3.30 pmKindergarten / Reception / Year1 depart
Late Stay begins
3.35 pmYear 2 depart
5.30 pmEnd of late stay


TimePrep School Timetable
7.45 amEarly drop begins
8.15 amSchool opens
8.30 amGate locked
8.45 amAssembly
(Monday, Wednesday & Friday)
9.05 amSession 1
9.45 amSession 2
10.25 amSession 3
Morning Break
10.45 amSession 4
11.25 amSession 5
12.05 pmSession 6
12.45 pmSession 7
1.45 pmSession 8
(with registration)
2.25 pmSession 9
3.05 pmSession 10
3.45 pmBus boys ready to leave/End of day form time
3.50 pmEnd of day dismissal
4.00 pmCo-curricular Activities/Supervised Prep begins
4.50 pmCo-curricular Activities end
5.30 pmSupervised Prep ends