As of today, I have been so glad to spend a full week here soaking up the ambience that comes with being fully back at school. By this, what I really mean is wandering about, chatting to pupils, chatting to colleagues and chatting to parents at the start and end of the day. I have been popping into lessons too, which is one of the aspects of my role that I enjoy the most. I have seen some quiet ‘heads down, let’s get on with it’ type activities, as well as some raucous and highly enthusiastic, obviously demonstrative behaviour as well! I have also seen plenty of excellent learning behaviours in between. One of the gifts we enjoy very much at our school, and which we never take for granted, is the freedom we have to teach in all sorts of different ways here. I leave how to teach up to my colleagues; they are the experts and although we talk about our teaching a lot, I know they all have their own successful and distinct style and approach. No matter the differences between us all as teachers here, we are all aiming nonetheless for the same consistently excellent outcomes in every pupil. My recommendation to you as parents at the end of week one? Watch this space…!