Mrs Murphy and I are delighted that Pre-Prep children, at home and at school, have embraced the Spring Term and all that has come with it – very well done to all. It is very busy at Pre-Prep, we have all of our Kindergarten class present on site, as well as a significant number of key worker children on site each day. The experience of Guided Home Learning will differ from age group to age group, which is only to be expected, but how quickly the Pre-Prep pupils have adapted to new working practices has been impressive for both Mrs Murphy and me in equal measure to see.
In a similar fashion, the majority of boys in Years 3 – 6 in the Prep have, by and large, been swift to pivot from working on site to following our programme of Guided Home Learning for this half term at least. As ever, if it all becomes too much and if, as the old saying goes, “the juice is no longer worth the squeeze” and the lap top has crashed and the broadband is on the blink and the lunch has burnt and it’s raining and everyone at home is crying, please do not worry!
We will understand if any pupil here has had enough. The work will be set in varied and manageable ways and I am confident we shall all adjust in time to a new pace and a new routine. Please remember we are here to support and help as best we can. Sometimes that might mean we will tell the boys to take a break from it all and to gaze in an absent-minded manner out the window, or just to settle down with a good book for a bit and to start afresh tomorrow!
Some exciting staff news for you now. I am delighted to report that Mrs Sheaff, currently on maternity leave from her role as Head of English at the Prep, along with her husband and young twin sons welcomed the safe arrival of another baby boy into their family on New Year’s Eve. What a party that must have been! Our warm congratulations have been passed on to her and her family.