It feels to me as just about the right time for some friendly reminders for you all about traffic and parking. The good news from our perspective is that I still see numbers of boys walking safely to school in the mornings, either to the Carlisle Park entrance or to the main entrance on Gloucester Road. Numbers of boys coming along Gloucester Road are telling me that they are being dropped a short distance from the school and are walking the last little bit by themselves or with a friend. This is excellent and most definitely supports the Local Authority’s aim to increase the remit of their so-called ‘Park and Stride’ initiative. The more parents who are prepared to follow this initiative, the better, as it goes some long way towards diffusing traffic congestion on Gloucester Road and is both good for the boys’ health and fitness!
If I can also please ask parents not to park on the yellow zig zags outside either the Pre-Prep or Prep during the hours indicated that would be excellent. Please please please never block neighbour’s driveways (including the driveway on Gloucester Road that is partly obscured by a large tree trunk). Many thanks for your forbearance.