In the class round ups of the week, you will see some more gorgeous pieces of artwork – some completed here on-site, whilst others have been submitted from children working from home. Each piece so very different according to the media available and to hand at that time. All remind me of what a fantastically creative bunch of children we have here at Hampton Pre-Prep – each piece brings a smile to my face!
Stars of the Week:
Year 2: Arav for his consistent hard work and effort in all lessons. Keep it up!
Year 1: Aryan fabulous work in English – he wrote such a wonderful story!
Reception: Frank for working so hard in all subjects during Guided Home Learning and crafting such perfect penguins!
Please note certificates and badges will be posted today for children currently offsite.
Congratulations to Rayan for his latest achievement in Kuk Sool Won this week; he has just received his belt tying patch badge.