Additionally, a quick reminder that we are celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 7 March and will be donning costumes on the day – please see my letter for greater detail about the events planned. Staff here will be following the theme: traditional tales and we would love for some of the children to complete our merry band! I know that costume days present an extra burden for parents, so do keep them as simple as you would like; however, on this note, I’d caution against one-piece costumes, as this makes visits to the loo tricky for your child/children to manage. Trainers will be required by Reception, Years 1 and 2 on that day too as the afternoon games session will go ahead.
School Council met yesterday and have some interesting ideas for our next fundraising effort. Last term, sterling efforts from council members saw us raising £267.90 for Children in Need, first with a collection bucket on the front door of the actual day and, later in the term, the book swap that they kindly organised. They have also installed a ‘suggestion box’ for all friends in Pre-Prep to post their valuable thoughts, suggestions and ideas in. Our next meeting takes place next Thursday morning and, as their plans begin to take shape, we shall come to you with more information.
This week’s recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge: Lucas (Year 1) for showing exemplary good manners toward everyone in our school.
and Stars of the Week went to the following children:
Year 2: Jimmy for working so hard to improve his handwriting, and for being a times table whizz!
Year 1: Harris for commendable effort in mathematics this week – when learning about related facts.
Reception: Francis for his detailed explanation of his holiday snapshot. Thank you, Francis!
Years 1 and 2 made an outstanding effort in the House Cross Country last half term and so we were delighted to congratulate the winners in assembly yesterday when Mr Smith was present – Year 1: Shreya – gold, Felix – silver and Noah – bronze, and in Year 2: George – gold, Willem – silver & Henri – bronze.
Have a super weekend.