Talking of events, the children are practising in earnest for sports day, which this year takes place on Thursday 6 June at the Prep site. Weather permitting, we are hoping to have a couple of practices on the school field on Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 June, so please do send your child/children in with suitable running shoes on both days. (Year 1, of course, will be in their PE kits already on that day for swimming!)
Mr Smith has given his permission for any parent wishing to take their child/children home to do so after the picnic on the field – this is a one off occasion! However, the class teacher must know in advance in order that our dismissal registers are accurate.
In the first week back after half term, all pupils here will experience time in their new classrooms, meeting new teachers and even some new friends at the New Pupils’ and Moving Up morning on Wednesday 5 June. Reception to Year 2 will be holding their Welcome and Information Evening for Parents on the same day in their respective classrooms at 6.30pm – please do try to come along to this important event as Class Teachers will explain everything you need to know to support your child’s journey through their next academic year here at Pre-Prep.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have looked at several significant individuals in connection with the current assembly theme, ‘Dare to Be Different’ – amongst them Albert Einstein, Florence Nightingale and Millicent Garrett Fawcett, all of whom have been tremendously influential in very different fields. Mr Smith was present at the assembly on Einstein and could not believe how knowledgeable the children were on his life and works – it was impressive to say the least! With a general election looming, the children were interested to know Millicent Garrett Fawcett’s influence on the voting system, particularly in relation to women and also discovered the difference between suffragists v suffragettes.
This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Rafe (Year 1) for being so kind, and genuinely warm and grateful to all members of our school community. Your gratitude makes us smile, Rafe!
and Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: George for outstanding contributions to maths explanations, and for being a kind and caring friend at playtime.
Year 1: Kostya for consistently trying his very best across all subjects and always being kind and helpful. What a star!
Reception: Wilf for his fabulous step-by-step instructions to make a worm habitat.
We also congratulated the following: Arthur (Year 2) and Thomas (Year 2) for completing the Lidl Mudder Challenge (what great fun it looked), Shreyan (Year 1) for achieving Level 2 swimming, Seby (Year 1) for his karate medal and Henry M-J (Year1) for his medal from Hampton Hill Cricket Club in recognition of his straight arm bowling. Very well done to all!
Have a wonderful half term break – we look forward to seeing you on Monday 3 June.