Instead, try asking more open-ended questions that spark conversation, such as:
- “Tell me about the best part of your day.”
- “What games did you play at breaktime?”
- “Who made you smile today?”
- “What was the funniest thing that happened?”
- “What new fact did you learn today?”
These types of questions can give you a much deeper glimpse into your child’s school life—and you may even hear about the exciting activities and learning happening in within the classrooms here!
Today, it was Reception’s turn to lead our assembly, and they delivered a wonderful presentation with confidence and poise. As they reflected on the past 100 years, they also looked ahead, thinking about how they will showcase our school for future generations through a time capsule. Thank you, Reception!
It has been thrilling to see the vast array of interpretations of the theme ‘100’ during our Open Homework week. Miss Thompson is very kindly putting together a short video which we aim to send out after half term – I am quite sure you will agree lateral thinking and creativity have been demonstrated in abundance. Thank you for supporting your child / children in this task.
This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Taksh for his consistently cheerful and polite disposition. You are a little ray of sunshine!
and Stars of the Week to:
Year 2: Praneel for incredible spelling of Year 2’s common exception words. What a great start to life at Hampton Pre-Prep!
Year 1: Francis for working hard to form his letters correctly, and focus on the task in hand. Keep up the good effort!
Reception: Deniz for sharing your fabulous achievement and for his efforts in raising money for such a fantastic charity. We are very proud of you, Deniz!
A number of presentations were made in assembly yesterday by Mr Smith and our congratulations to all!
Reception – Deniz for taking part in the GOSH’s 2K run last week – good effort!
Year 1 – Finn and Oscar for their ‘Feel Good’ badges earned at Squirrels; they learned about feelings and mental health to earn their badges but also took part in a ‘space’ litter pick in the local area!
Finally, I must signpost you to the pastoral and safeguarding update contained within the bulletin written by our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Howard. These provide a plethora of useful advice to help parents navigate an ever-evolving world. Topics covered so far have included: information on setting safe parental restrictions on devices, advice around gaming and supporting developing independence in your child – do take a look back at earlier editions from this half term.
Wishing you all a wonderful half term break.