The children were particularly intrigued by the idea that a single invention could connect people, shrink distances and transform daily life—all while inspiring countless future innovators. We also had great fun imagining what life might have been like before cars were commonplace. Together, we pondered how people travelled long distances in horse-drawn carriages and discussed how modern cars make visiting loved ones and exploring new places easier than ever. 

The children engaged in a lively conversation about the importance of perseverance and creativity, two qualities Henry Ford demonstrated in abundance. They reflected on how his motto, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right,” can inspire their own journeys of discovery and invention. 

Do ask your children about this week’s assemblies—perhaps they’ll tell you about their own ideas for future vehicles or share a newfound appreciation for how cars have shaped the world! 

This week’s recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge: Bertie (Year 2) for being such a wonderful friend to everyone in the class, and for being such a conscientious worker.  You inspire us all, Bertie! 


and Stars of the Week went to the following children: 

Year 2: Leilani for always trying her very best and for being a ray of sunshine in the classroom. 

Year 1: Kabir for being an all-round SUPERSTAR, always working hard and consistently displaying BEAUTIFUL manners! 

Reception: Arjun for his growing confidence ‘having a go’ with his independent writing. 


We also congratulated the following children for their achievements out of school:  Sebastian G (Year 2) achieved a ‘wow’ card in gymnastics for amazing work on the vault; Prayan (Year 1) was awarded Player of the Week at football; and Niam (Reception) received a huge trophy having been selected as Player of the Week at his rugby club.  Well done to all! 


A huge thanks to all who have supported our endeavours in the Royal Marsden’s Jog 40 miles in January – it’s not too late, you have until 15 February, if you wish to support us – please follow the link below. 

We are participating in the challenge in memory of our dear friend and colleague, Diane Gellner-Ward. Supporting us in turn helps this incredible hospital and their vital research to raise much-needed funds – it goes without saying, we would be hugely grateful of your support! 


Have a wonderful weekend!