We have many activities planned and, the first, House Cross Country, takes place on Monday 19 April for Years 1 – 6.  As per the guidance written by Mr Salt, Head of Games, children in Years 1 or 2 must come to school dressed in their PE kit ready for the races – a school track suit and water bottle are also a must, as we just don’t know what weather will be thrown our way.

As you know, we love to celebrate the children’s endeavours out of school just as much as celebrating those in school and, to this end, we were thrilled to hear about efforts in aid of WWF charity (please see below). This dovetailed very nicely with discussions in assembly today about Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, as he was very keen supporter of this particular charity for a great many years.  It was interesting to hear how many of the children across the year groups understood the significance of recent events, appreciating his long-standing service over seven decades to Queen and country.

We have seen many great examples of the children’s fundraising achievements so far this year and at the end of last term, I promised to give you an update about monies raised for Red Nose Day.  I am delighted to report we have been able to donate £100 to the cause – a very big thank you to everyone who helped us to achieve this total.


Once we have worked a full week in school, Courtesy and Stars of the Week will resume but, in the meantime, we are delighted to announce new House Captains and Vice Captains for the first half of this term.  As you will appreciate, arrangements have slightly altered this year due to the third lockdown and the term will be split in two so that all the boys take their turn in these roles.  We must thank our Year 2 boys for their stoicism and great patience waiting for today to come! The new officers for the first half of term are as follows:

Red (Lancaster):  Noah (House Captain) and Felix (Vice Captain)

Yellow (Windsor): Avyan (House Captain) and Henry (Vice Captain)

Green (York): Alfie (House Captain) and Fin (Vice Captain)

Blue (Tudor): Thomas (House Captain) and Keyan (Blue Vice Captain)


The children have been very busy as usual over the holidays in various sporting and charitable pursuits.  Firstly, we are delighted to report that Ediz (Year 1) was recognised for his efforts at the Half Backs Rugby Camp at Marble Hill Park.  Well done!


Mahir (Year 2) was awarded a football trophy in recognition of his team winning a football tournament but Mahir is in charge of the trophy as he won the 1V1 element. Good effort!


Alfie and Frank (Year 2 and Reception) set about raising money for WWF UK by signing up to a charity run in March with a goal to raise at least £50.  Collectively the boys ran 100km, in all weathers and stuck to their goal.  Quickly their fundraising smashed through the £50 target and ended up raising £256 for WWF UK.  We loved seeing their lovely medals complete with the iconic panda in assembly today. Another superb effort for such a great cause.