Speaking of challenges, we hope you are enjoying the Open Homework project around the word ‘hope’. We are so excited to see what Monday brings!
The first School Council meeting of the term was a very civilised affair yesterday morning, a breakfast meeting complete with croissants, and Miss Maynard reports a very successful first meeting. Having shared ideas, the children came up with a list of qualities and responsibilities of what it is to be a school council member; helping others, being a good listener, helping to make sure our school is a happy and safe place to be and raising money for charity to name but a few. They have also given thought to which charity they could support next half term and will bring their ideas to the next meeting scheduled in November.
Many thanks to those of you who attended last night’s reading information evening, please note the information packs will be ready after half term but, as promised, the link for demonstration of precise articulation of sounds – Sounds of the English Phonic Code
Have a super weekend!
The Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Jack (Year 1) for his willingness to be helpful.
Stars of the Week went to the following children:
Year 2: Noah for his fluent and expressive reading. Keep up the good work!
Year 1: Henry for excellent progress in reading.
Reception: Isla for her lovely work about the Little Red Hen.
Many congratulations to Frank (Reception) for achieving the following badges in swimming: floatation back, floatation front and leg kick on his front for 5m – very well done.
Rayan (Year 1) has been training very hard in the last few weeks and as a result did very well in his recent grading in Kuk Sool Won; he was awarded with this yellow belt – what a fantastic effort.
A special mention to Alfie (Year 2) as not only did he thoughtfully bring in a story book from his collection at home to enhance challenge but he read it aloud to his fellow classmates during Year 2’s assembly so very well, demonstrating great poise and confidence. Thank you, Alfie.