Year 2 children were involved in a local authority scooter training initiative this week. Not only did they hone their scooting skills, along with their balance and coordination, but were taught some very important safety tips. I hope that they will be able to share these with you this weekend?
Our new School Council members had their inaugural meeting yesterday, a breakfast meeting no less, complete with croissants – what a lovely way to start a Thursday! In their meeting, they decided that they are keen to support a local charity this term and have chosen the Shooting Star Children’s Hospice in Hampton. With this in mind, they have devised a plan to raise money and would like all their friends and teachers to come to school on Friday 11 June dressed as Superheroes. If your child wishes to join in the fun, then please bring along £1. Miss Maynard will send a reminder letter nearer the date as we appreciate this date falls after half term.
Have a super weekend – fingers crossed for some better weather!
Courtesy Cup and Badge recipient: Sarp (Year 1) for always being extremely polite and well mannered.
Stars of the Week:
Year 2: Sam for his excellent listening and participation in the Year 2 scooter training today.
Year 1: Ralph for making an extra special effort in all of his work.
Reception: Ahana for her fabulous independent writing about the story ‘Stickman’.
Many congratulations to Alfred (Reception) for being awarded with a certificate at his rugby club for his great rugby skills!
Our congratulations also go to Noah (Year 2) for his special badge from his cricket club for excellent batting last weekend.