Open homework has most definitely been the highlight of the week and the children’s wonderful work was put out on full display for everyone to enjoy on Thursday evening and again on Friday morning. It made my heart sing to see the children leading their parents proudly around the exhibition this morning and, what’s more, it felt a little bit like ‘old times’ seeing parents on-site once again Thank you to all our visitors but most especially for all the lovely comments about the children’s work!
Friday has proved to be a very busy day indeed and following the exhibition Year 2 led us through an extremely informative class assembly on their topic of the moment, ‘The Circus’. What a lot of interesting information we gleaned about the history of circuses as well as the science behind certain circus acts from their wonderful presentation. Their assembly concluded with some delightful photo shots of them turning their hand to circus skills from their workshop a few weeks ago – we saw great skills from them all, ranging from juggling scarves to balancing feathers and even some spinning plates. Well done, Year 2 and thank you!
Today also saw a visit from two of our School Governor’s, Mrs Ellis and Mrs Cremin. Mrs Ellis is a regular visitor to Pre-Prep in her capacity as our Early Years Governor but not only this our Health and Safety Governor and one of our Nominated Safeguarding Governors – many hats she wears on our behalf. We were thrilled that Mrs Cremin was able to join her on the visit today.
The recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge this week was Harry (Year 2) for always having lovely manners around school.
Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: Ralph for his excellent ‘can do’ attitude during out maths lessons this week!
Year 1: Murtaza for his excellent English work this week – writing a brilliant list of detective skills.
Reception: Charles for always trying hard with his learning.