I promised an update on our Pre-Prep School Council’s chosen charity of term and am pleased to announce the children were keen to offer their support to Afghan children. Please see below for greater details about the next week’s event from Mrs Leissle.
For this exciting fundraising event, taking place on Thursday, 2nd December, we are asking everyone to please bring in a pre-loved soft toy, in good condition, and a £1 donation. The children will then be able to attend our ‘Soft-toy Swap’ and choose a different toy to bring home. It is sure to be a fun affair and, of course, is in aid of a worthwhile cause close to our hearts. This weekend is an ideal opportunity to find an unwanted soft toy for the swap next Thursday.
We haven’t been able to make any final decisions as yet regarding our Christmas events but please know we shall do so as soon as practicable. I hope to be able to write to you about all the usual fun and festive events next week.
In the meantime, I can tell you that our Christmas Post-Box will be open for business on Wednesday 1st December through until Monday 13 December. Christmas cards posted in to the post-box should have the name and form of recipient written on the envelope clearly in order to aid distribution. Naturally, all handling and sorting of cards will be carried out safely!
The recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge this week was Ahana (Year 1) for consistently demonstrating beautiful manners to her peers and teachers.
Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: Sendan for always having a positive ‘can do’ attitude in all he does. Keep it up!
Year 1: Alfred for exception effort this week in maths when working on subtraction calculations.
Reception: Chuck for his wonderful piece of writing about his animal for Dear Zoo.