Before half term, I promised an update on Ayansh’s (Year 1) progress with his fundraising reading mission. As you will recall, he challenged himself to read 10 books in 10 days. Well, I am delighted to announce that so far, he has raised a staggering amount of money for “NHS charities Together” and “Room to Read” – as I write, a total of £1,290.00 and, together with gift aid, this raises the amount to £1,448.75. Many congratulations, Ayansh – a sterling effort!
I am also very pleased to let you know that Anne (Kindergarten) received a letter and certificate from the Mayor of Spelthorne for being a Superhero Litter Picker – what a great effort.
Our assembly theme for the next few weeks is the word ‘adversity’ which we will be exploring in different ways to get to grips with its meaning. It makes me very proud to know the children here are always very keen to help out and support those in need.
With this in mind, next Friday (13 November) our School Councilors will be encouraging us all to don something spotty in support of Children in Need – do look out for their letter!
This week’s awards are as follows:
Courtesy Cup and Badge recipient: Lev (Year 1) for always displaying beautiful manners, particularly in the dining hall.
Stars of the Week:
Year 2: Keyan for writing a fantastic prediction during one of his English lessons this week.
Year 1: Max for settling in so beautifully to Hampton Pre-Prep.
Reception: Charlie for working so hard to learn his sight words and brilliant reading.
Also, we congratulated Isla (Reception) for achieving the following two badges – the first, a Learn to Swim 1 Award and the second, the British Gymnastics proficiency award 2nd badge for pre-school, and Quinton (Reception) for being chosen as player of the day at Halfbacks rugby. Very well done to you all!