The main goal of the day is to raise awareness and start conversations about internet safety with the aim of making a safer and better internet for everyone, children and adults alike. This year’s theme ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’ took a close look at online gaming, streaming and video sites with chat functions. As well as raising awareness about potential safety issues, it celebrated the role of young people in creating a safer internet.
Some tips for aiding this process include: monitor your child’s internet use and keep a track of their browser history; make sure you pick strong passwords; keep your privacy settings high to ensure your security; ensure you’re up-to-date with all the latest security software; remember to be as vigilant on your mobile as on your desktop or laptop; and don’t click on links you don’t trust. For further information do look at: Safer Internet Tips for Parents and Carers
Additionally, we have supported Children’s Mental Health Week with the theme, ‘Growing Together’ this year. In today’s assembly, we recognised that it is perfectly normal to experience a full gamut of emotions and feelings. We also thought about things we can do to grow emotionally and ways we can support our own as well as other people’s mental health. I wonder if the children will be able to share some of their great ideas for doing this very thing over half term?
Our excitement is also building for another worldwide event that takes place soon after half term…World Book Day! Don’t forget everyone, staff included, will be coming into school on Thursday 3 March dressed as a favourite book character. If you haven’t had a chance to think about costumes, half term presents the perfect time. Also, if you haven’t yet sent in a letter to your child/children about a favourite childhood book either from you (or indeed another family member or friend), then please do so before World Book Day – we intend to deliver all letters during assembly on that day.
The recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge was Rayan (Year 2) for always greeting his friends and teachers with a cheery “Good morning, how are you?”
and Stars of the Week went to the following children:
Year 2: Caleb for always working so hard during our lessons!
Year 1: Christo for using contractions successfully in his independent writing.
Reception: Thomas for his lovely neat independent news writing.
Congratulations to Jazz (Year 2) for winning player of the week at Twickenham Rugby Club last weekend – good effort!
Many congratulations to Arthur (Reception) for being awarded with his punches badge from Little Ninja’s Karate School – well done.
I wish you a super half term break with plenty of rest and relaxation.