We were so lucky rain held off yesterday to allow individual and class photographs to take place and thought how smart the children looked in their new school uniforms. Next Friday is Kindergarten’s turn, so naturally we are keeping our fingers crossed for similar weather.
Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to a child’s educational performance. Evidence suggests those who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but they also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. Reading aloud to children is so vitally important in the infant stage but well into the primary years and beyond. We hope that you will be able to make our Reading Information Evening which takes place in the James Hall at Prep on Thursday 29 September at 6.30pm.
On the note of reading, we are aware that a number of our children took part in the Summer Reading Challenge organised by local libraries, this year titled ‘Gadgeteers’ – we are keen to celebrate the children’s achievements collectively so if you child took part, please do sent in their certificate by 30 September. If your child has already brought in their certificate, we hope it is okay to hold on to it until this date?
It gives me great pleasure to announce this term’s House Captains and Vice Captains – we have carefully explained to the children that everyone in Year 2 gets a turn at some point during the academic year, so if your child returns home a little despondent, please do reiterate this important message.
Red (Lancaster) – House Captain, Jasper and Vice-Captain, Rory.
Yellow (Windsor) – House Captain, Ahana and Vice-Captain, Hari.
Blue (Tudor) – House Captain, Murtaza and Vice-Captain, Adam.
Each Thursday we celebrate the children’s achievements both in school and out of school.
This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Christo (Year 2) for having exemplary manners at all times and for always trying his best.
and Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: Jacob Ri for being an outstanding lunchtime table monitor.
Year 1: Finlay M for settling into our class so beautifully.
Reception: Leilani for recognising the sounds in her name and for taking so much time over her clay name.
In Year 2 this week, we celebrated Jacob Ri’s certificate for best Michael Jackson dancing at Camp Beaumont, Adam for achieving his orange belt and Jacob Ra’s success in swimming and moving on to Stage One at Sports Teddington.
Here’s what we’ve been up to in class …