It is widely believed that in the coming years the STEM sector will be one of the largest employers in the world, new and innovative technologies are being developed rapidly and this is only expected to grow in the coming years. It was therefore wonderful to see pupils in Pre-Prep from Kindergarten to Year 2 immersed in a wide range of ‘hands-on’ activities as part of our STEM Day. Solving problems by thinking creatively was very much at the heart of the day but so too was that all important element of fun as you will see in the class write ups that follow!
In assembly this week, we celebrated two sporting achievements in Year 2. Well done to Jasper for gaining a medal for demonstrating excellent shooting skills at this football training and to Frank, a trophy for being awarded Man of the Match – he was a superb goalkeeper and saved many penalties!
This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Alex (Year 1) for his wonderful manners shown to his peers and teachers.
and Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: Charlie for his exceptional attitude to his learning, in particular, writing with confidence and enthusiasm!
Year 1: Henri for his brilliant effort with his reading – keep up the good work!
Reception: Lucas for working hard learning his sight words.