My grateful thanks to Mr and Mrs Lawlor Cherradi who led yesterday’s assembly enriching our understanding of the Islamic faith.  What a lot we have all discovered over the course of the term in regard to different religions.  As ever, I am hugely appreciative of Mr and Mrs Lawlor Cherradi’s valuable time and loved hearing from them both.

Our spring term school councillor have had another busy morning with their third meeting of the term.  A few weeks ago, I promised to reveal their ideas, so I am pleased to announce today what they have been planning and how these plans will come to fruition.  Before sharing these, I must make it very plain that these are their ideas, ones that they have come up with themselves.

The first is that they would like to introduce a ‘friendship bench’ to our playground.  Behind the scenes, they have sought permission from Mr Smith and Mrs Moria, as obviously this idea has cost implications, and having had the green light, decided today on the wording.  The councillors took a vote and the plaque will say – Friendship Bench 2023 – come here for a friend.  The second idea, similarly needed permission as it concerns lunches.  They are organising a big picnic with packed lunches on Thursday 23 March; they all thought it would be a treat to bring packed lunches from home on this day.  Initially, they set their minds on charging for this privilege and sending the money raised to The Shooting Star Hospice. I have to confess I have tempered their idea slightly and instead of charging £2 for this, we will simply pop a bucket on the blue gate for donations – a good compromise I felt!  Do watch out for their letter coming to you via SchoolPost about this venture.

The recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge this week – Kit (Year 2) for his incredibly kind and thoughtful ways.  Kit approached a friend in Year 1 who was feeling sad and lonely at playtime and, without prompting, set about helping to cheer them up by initiating a fun game – great attitude, Kit!

and Stars of the Week went to the following pupils:

Year 2: Benedict for his joy for learning and his newfound love for French!

Year 1: Jimmy for wonderful effort with his reading.  We are so pleased you are starting to read with expression.

Reception: Henry M-J for working hard to complete his work on time independently. Top job, Henry!

Congratulations to the following:  Harris (Reception) for achieving his 10m front crawl swimming badge – well done! Arthur (Year 1) for his LingoAce Level 2 certificate for his progress in Chinese. Adam (Year 2) for playing great football and taking part in the finals.  Jasper for ‘Player of the Week’ in football – great tackles were noted!  Frank, Kit, Jasper and Alfred (Year 2) for taking part in the U7 Middlesex Rugby Festival. Very well done to you all.

One last thing, we have slightly extended the date of the freeze-frame book cover competition to Monday 13 March to give everyone a little longer to get their creative juices flowing.  A big thank you to everyone who has already entered the competition – there are some simply stunning covers.