I also wanted to give you all the heads up about an event in the offing after half term (Monday 12 June) when the School will be engaged in a humanities day with a Viking and Anglo-Saxon theme. Ms Sunderland, Head of Humanities, and I are aiming to come to you with all the details after half term; however, I know half term presents the perfect opportunity to start thinking about costumes – the staff here are leaning towards Vikings and we would be absolutely thrilled to have more join our merry band!
Recently I wrote to you about Pre-Prep Sports Day, which takes place on Thursday 8 June – if you haven’t already seen it, please do look on SchoolPost for greater information. Entry to the Prep site on that day will be via the Carlisle Park gate and Mr Gellner-Ward will ready to greet you at that entrance between 10.35-10.45am; the event is due to start at 10.45am.
Our Courtesy Cup and Badge this week went to Teddy (Year 1) for ALWAYS remembering to use his delightful and polite manners.
and Star of the Week to the following pupils:
Reception: Oscar S for settling so beautifully into Hampton Pre-Prep and working and playing so hard!
Year 2: Akshen for putting in extra effort to all his work. Keep up the fantastic work.
Year 1: Zac for coming into school each morning eager to share his Mrs Wordsmith words and sentences!
Swimming certificates were the order of the day and we congratulated Sebastian G (Reception) and Aran (Year 1) for their prowess in the pool – very well done!