Next week I know will fly by, so as the school year draws to a close it seems fitting to bid a fond farewell to our lovely Year 2 children in this bulletin. We wish each and every one of them much success and happiness as they move on from Pre-Prep to pastures new, whether this be at Prep or further afield. What’s clear in my mind is that they are all so ready for new challenges – their time here has simply flown by and they have brought us much joy and happiness along the way – good luck in the future!
Rather fittingly, Year 2 delivered our final class assembly of the school year, stepping us through an excellent presentation about the wonders of the rainforest. What a lot of information they know about this subject but, in addition to this, they cleverly linked it to our current assembly theme, showing some truly inspirational pieces of rainforest art all created by teenagers. Thank you, Year 2.
On that note, this half term we have been considering the theme ‘The Beauty of Art’, looking at artist ranging from Matisse and Mondrian to Kahlo. On Friday, we were thrilled to welcome Mrs Li to assembly, where she explained the wonders traditional Chinese painting – a form of painting that employs a brush dipped in black or coloured ink and, unlike Western tradition, oil is not used in pieces. We discovered the technique is quite similar to fine calligraphy.
The Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Adam (Year 2) for delightful manners and polite behaviour. Well done, Adam!
Stars of the Week went to the following children:
Year 2: Benedict for such a positive, enthusiastic approach to his learning. Thank you for bringing joy to the classroom, Benedict!
Year 1: Efe for excellent expression in his reading – what a superstar reader you are Efe!
Reception: Harris for his consistent outstanding behaviour and attitude to learning.
Congratulation must also go to the following children: Ahana (Year 2) for gaining her green stripe belt in Martial Arts; Jacob (Year 2) for gaining his Stage 2 in swimming with Sports Generation (equivalent to Stage 4 in Swim England); Henri and Willem van Pol (Year 1) for completing no less than 11 park runs; and Ethan (Reception) for his certificate for taking part in the Red Ball Tennis Tournament – very well done to all!
As mentioned last week, our finale to the term is Pre-Prep Prize Giving and Summer Concert – it takes place at 9.30am on Thursday 6 July in the James Hall. The day before is of course our Open Classrooms (Wednesday 5 July) – morning Kindergarten children at 11.30am and the remainder of the School at 3.00pm.
A quick note about our School Councillors who have been busily planning behind the scenes for the children’s Golden Treat next Thursday but also wanted one final push at raising money for the Shooting Star Hospice. On Tuesday afternoon, they will be selling ice lollies during our afternoon break. Therefore, if you send your child to school with £2 they may make a purchase and all proceeds will go to this amazing charity. They thank you in advance to your support.
Finally, I should like to take this opportunity to wish you all a super summer break – enjoy time pausing and resting from your busy schedules and have plenty of fun with you families. I think whoever devised the termly cycle way back in the dim and distant past most definitely got it spot on, as we notice at this stage of every term the children are most definitely ready for a break. Enjoy a fun-filled time