Special mention to our youngest children at school, Kindergarten, who are now in their new classroom; they have not just had one new classroom to get used to but two and all within a very short period of time but, that said, they have taken the changes in their stride showing already what a resilient bunch they are. We moved into the new space over the weekend and safe to say children and staff are loving the new space. We should also like to say a big thank you from the Kindergarten team for making us so welcome at the home visits last week. Disruption on Wednesday meant our last day of visits did not go according to plan but we will ensure we catch up in school with those impacted – Mrs Hand will arrange a mutually convenient time for this to take place as soon as practicable.
Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to a child’s educational performance. Evidence suggests those who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but they also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. Reading aloud to children is so vitally important in the infant stage but also well into the primary years and beyond. We hope that you will be able to make our Reading Information Evening which takes place here at Pre-Prep. Talks will be delivered in the classrooms, so please go along to your child’s classroom in the evening of Thursday 28 September at 6.30pm.
On the note of reading, we are aware that a number of our children may have taken part in the annual Summer Reading Challenge organised by local libraries, this year titled, ‘READY, SET, READ’ – we are keen to celebrate the children’s achievements collectively so if you child took part, please do sent in their certificate to your child’s class teacher. As usual, we will hold on to these until the batch comes through from our local authority, Richmond – I’m afraid I don’t have an ETA as yet so please bear with us!
It gives me great pleasure to announce this term’s House Captains and Vice Captains – we have carefully explained to the children that everyone in Year 2 gets a turn at some point during the academic year, so if your child returns home a little despondent today, please do reiterate this important message.
Red (Lancaster) – House Captain, Arthur and Vice-Captain, Charles
Yellow (Windsor) – House Captain, Teddy and Vice-Captain, Henri
Blue (Tudor) – House Captain, Tobi and Vice-Captain, Rosie
Green (York) – House Captain, Alex and Vice-Captain, Ariyan
This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Leilani (Year 1) for being such a kind and helpful friend – Mrs Timba wrote, ‘It was lovely to watch you helping your classmate learn a new skill in the playground’
and Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: Aran for consistent outstanding behaviour and attitude to learning.
Year 1: Shreyan for settling in so beautifully to his new class.
Reception: Zayn and Simran for both settling in to Reception so well – well done to both!
Each Thursday we celebrate the children’s achievements both in school and out of school, so please do email your child’s class teacher, with a brief explanation, about any award, medal, certificate or trophy gained in an out of school activity and we will be sure to celebrate your child’s achievement collectively in assembly on that day.
On that note, I am delighted to share that Chuck (Year 2) took part in a summer football camp organised by Onside Football Coaching and received the Player of the Week Award and a trophy – very well done, Chuck!
Charlie (Year 2) has similarly been very busy during the break. He has accumulated the following badges from his endeavours at Beavers – 1 year of joining, 2 nights, Adventure, Emergency Aid and Camp Korea joining in. He also achieved Level 3 swimming over the summer. What a busy boy – many congratulations.
Leilani (Year 1) was also awarded with a Doodle Maths Challenge certificate and badge – good effort!
Have a super weekend.