Our very first class assembly of the new school year was led by Reception today, who framed their presentation around ‘Marvellous Me’; this topic was chosen in connection with their work in Life Skills, celebrating the wonderful uniqueness of everyone and pointing out what makes each one of us so special.  They stepped us through a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, diet and good hygiene.  Thank you, Reception for such a lovely assembly.

It was lovely to see some of you at our Reading Information Evening last night which we hope you found helpful.   I am a huge fan of good quality picture books, which are essentially well-crafted short stories and firmly believe that children should be surrounded by picture books on a daily basis.  Hearing stories read aloud teaches children so much about the reading process but also about life more generally – listening to stories helps children to develop emotionally, socially and intellectually. Research by the Literacy Trust in 2019 explored the relationship between children’s mental wellbeing and their reading and writing enjoyment, attitudes and behaviours – they found that children and young people who engaged with literacy had better mental wellbeing than those who were least engaged.

Marilyn Brocklehurst, through her Norfolk Children’s Book Centre, freely dispenses her unquenchable enthusiasm for books and reading; it is definitely worth taking a look at her website.  Her contact details are as follows: marilyn@ncbc.co.uk Norfolk Children’s Book Centre, Church Lane, Alby, Norwich NR11 7HB.  I also highly recommend you buy a copy of ‘The Story Cure: An A-Z of Books to Keep Kids Happy, Healthy and Wise’ by Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin.  The authors state it is a book for grown-us in the exciting position of choosing books for children, ‘It’s arranged like a medical reference book.  Look up the ‘ailment’ – be it boredom to not wanting to go to bed – and you’ll find a ‘cure’ in the form of a story or two’.

This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Ed (Reception) for always displaying lovely manners towards his teachers and his friends.  Thank you, Ed!

and Stars of the Week were awarded to:

Year 2:  Rosie for a fantastic “can-do” attitude, and for superb drama skills in our English lessons.

Year 1:  Elias for consistently trying his best in his maths and English work.  Keep up the great work!

Reception: Vrushank for always trying his best in the classroom and excellent behaviour in the line.

A number of presentations were made to children in Year 2 on Thursday by Mr Smith – well done to Arthur who achieved his white and brown belt in the martial art of karate, 25m swimming certificate to Harry, a rugby medal to Akshen for taking part in the Camberley Rugby festival, where he scored two tries and Charlie for his Star of the Week trophy awarded by Stagecoach.

Have a great weekend!