Monday saw the start of Black History Month (BHM) – here in Pre-Prep, we are taking our lead from the National Literacy Trust, who recommend celebrating this year’s event by shining a spotlight on favourite black authors, illustrators and iconic characters from children’s books. The focus of BHM this year more widely is titled, Saluting our Sisters, and explores the role black women have played in shaping history. This links very nicely with one element of our assembly theme, Influencers, so with this in mind, we recognised the outstanding contribution of Mary Seacole but, at the same time, pondered upon the fact that a statue commemorating Mary’s good works was not unveiled until 30 June 2016.
It has been Dyslexia Awareness Week and our Head of Learning Support (Pre-Prep), Mrs Cox, has written an interesting blog on the subject, which I would urge you to read. If you would like any further information on dyslexia, please do not hesitate to contact her on via her school email:
School Council met for the first time on Thursday; they have some very interesting ideas in the pipeline which they will share with their peers in an assembly very shortly, before the send out greater details to parents. Their next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 7 November when they will finalise their plans, so please do keep an eye out for further information from them after half term.
Each year we hold an ‘Open Homework’ Week when pupils throughout the School are given the freedom to explore an open-ended theme encouraging lateral thinking and creativity. No other academic homework (Prep) is set, that is apart from reading and phonics/spellings which must continue. The children have a week to create anything they like associated with a given theme. Whatever approach they take, they should learn something new. They might write a poem, a story or character sketch. They may wish to do a geographical, historical or scientific study. They may make a toy, game or some form of 3D montage. They may like to prepare some food, produce a piece of art or design something on the computer. There is no right or wrong way to approach ‘Open Homework’; it provides the children with the perfect opportunity to be creative in an area of learning they particularly enjoy. In the past, we have followed the themes, ’hope’, ‘7’, ‘round’ and ‘red’, and the range of interpretations is always simply breath taking. By the time you read this, you will have received my letter revealing this year’s word!
The recipient of the Courtesy Cup and Badge this week was Akshen (Year 2) for being such a kind and thoughtful buddy to Reception children during break time. He goes out of his way to look out for his little friends. What a role model you are, Akshen!
Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: Tobi for always making excellent contributions during class discussions. We love hearing all of your ideas, Tobi!
Year 1: Tristan for consistent efforts across all subjects. We love your enthusiasm!
Reception: Zaki for working extremely hard this week in all lessons.
It’s been a bumper week celebrating out of school endeavours: Krishna (Reception) achieved two accolades, his 80m distance award and being chosen as Reeds Weybridge RFC’s Player of the Week; Sebastian (Year 1) for his 10m Rainbow distance award; and Henri and Willem (both Year 2) for gaining medals for the part they played in the Richmond Rugby tournament – many congratulations to all!
Have a super weekend.