We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to our Christmas Productions. Kindergarten’s nativity takes place on Tuesday 5 December at 10.45am and will be performed in their classroom and, later in the week, it’s the turn of Reception, Years 1 and 2 who perform on Friday 8 December in the James Hall at 2.30pm.
Kindergarten enjoyed their first trip offsite on Thursday when they visited our local bakery. The children behaved impeccably on their journey to and from school, and displayed such beautiful manners whilst queuing up and when asking for their gingerbread reindeer, so much so that several members of the public commended them.
As mentioned in last week’s bulletin, School Council are hoping to boost the amount raised for Children in Need by holding a Book Swap on Thursday 7 December. They have decided that participants need to donate £2 to the charity in order to take part in the swap – that is, swapping one of their old books for a new title. Perhaps a good time for a sort through old books this weekend ahead of Christmas?
What a lot of entries we had for our anti-bullying poster competition and, furthermore, what a tough decision deciding on the winners. I am delighted to say that honour went to Mr Smith and Mrs Howard, who after some deliberation made the following judgements:
Reception – Charlie, Year 1 – Varun, Year 2 – Teddy and the overall winner – Sebastian G (Year 1)
This week the Courtesy Cup and Badge went to Wilf (Reception) for always displaying beautiful manners towards his friends and teachers, and always trying his best.
and Stars of the Week were awarded to:
Year 2: Efe for being such an enthusiastic Wordsmith AND for being our class “shape” expert!
Year 1: Seby for using a new maths strategy in his independent learning, and explaining his thinking clearly. Amazing!
Reception: Finn W for his super writing about the story ‘Dear Zoo’ – well done, Finn.
Congratulations to Finlay M (Year 2) who won the player of the week trophy at his rugby club, Twickenham RFC. We also congratulated the following two swimmers: Finlay (Reception) for his Leg Kick Back 10m and Seby (Year 1) for his Learn to Swim Stage 2.
Wishing you all a relaxing weekend before the Christmas excitement begins next week – first up Secret Santa on Monday morning, which we are greatly looking forward to!