‘Open Homework’ is upon us, I hope you have seen the letter sent yesterday revealing the word – hope! For those new to the school, we hold an ‘Open Homework’ week each year when all pupils in school (Kindergarten – Year 5) are given the freedom to explore an open-ended theme encouraging lateral thinking and creativity. During the week, no other academic homework is set, that is, other than reading and learning spellings, which we do expect your child to continue with next week.


The children have a week to create anything they like associated with the  word ‘hope’. Whatever approach taken, they should learn something new.  They might write a poem, a story or character sketch.  They may wish to do a geographical, historical or scientific study.  They may make a toy, game or some form of 3D montage.  They may like to prepare some food, produce a piece of art or design something on the computer.  The different approaches are endless and quite simply there is no right or wrong way to go about ‘Open Homework’, it provides the children with the opportunity to be creative in an area of learning they particularly enjoy.


Over the years have seen the themes ‘7’, ‘round’, ‘red’, ‘joy’ and ‘open’ and, quite honestly, the interpretations have been simply amazing.  It goes without saying, we are already hugely excited to see what Monday 12th October brings when all the projects will be brought in to school for us to share.



Our Courtesy Cup and Badge have been awarded to Ronak (Year 2) for his cheery greetings each morning, as well for the politeness demonstrated when wishing his teachers a lovely evening at home time.


Stars of the Week went to the following children:

Year 2: Tommy for trying his best to remember finger spaces whilst writing.

Year 1: Ralph for trying his best to complete his work to a high standard.

Reception: Murtaza for always being a fantastic role model.


Our congratulations to Max (Reception) and Alfred (Reception) for achieving player of the day at Halfbacks rugby.  Also, to Rayan (Year 1) for gaining two more Kuk Sool Won badges: the two partner stretch and the high guard – very well done!