Arjun created a very jolly and especially heartfelt tribute to his ‘Heroes of the NHS’ over the course of the lockdown last term, and his filmed performance was brought to the attention of the Young Writers organisation, who run all sorts of writing competitions for primary aged pupils each year. His work was published in ‘Write to Unite’, their anthology of uplifting tributes to all those who worked on the front line to take care of others at the height of the pandemic. It was excellent to see Arjun’s work thus represented.
Thomas, along with his sister and mum and one or two other friends, recently completed a 5km sponsored walk in aid of Cancer research, and in memory of his grandfather. In part thanks to members of the Hampton Prep community, many of whom very kindly sponsored the walk, Thomas and his merry band managed to raise over £1000. It was apparently a rather chilly walk for them last weekend but they kept going, only starting to flag near the end which is why they all sprinted to the finish, lured on by the promise of well-deserved hot chocolates all round! Again, another wonderful achievement from a Hampton Prep boy.