We have been super busy in art and design this week using different media. Great fun was had using the junk modelling resources to build our own houses for the pigs. We also made pig models out of clay; firstly, we made a cylinder shape for the body before using a matchstick to make the pigs eyes and nostrils, and using a pink pipe cleaner for their curly tail. Once they were dry, we painted them. We continued using our cutting skills and, along with lolly sticks and Selloptape, made our own pig puppets to act as props for storytelling. Using carefully cut-out character masks, we re-enacted the story which was entertaining to say the least. We used the puppets, sticks, wooden bricks and straw to act out the story in a group. There was great delight as we joined in with the repeated refrain, “I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down”. We used our puppets over and over again to act out the story with our friends in the tuff tray.
There has been lots of discussions about germs and how we need to look after ourselves. To reinforce the importance of handwashing we carried out an investigation. We ground some black pepper into a bowl of water and these were our ‘germs’, we dipped our fingers into the bowl and saw how the ‘germs’ stuck to our fingers. We spoke about how we could see these ‘germs’ as they were big but, in fact, germs are very tiny and we can’t normally see them. Next, we dipped our fingers into some liquid soap, and saw how the pepper/germs dispersed. We now realise how magical soap is and we are going to remember to use it every time we wash our hands!