We ‘planted’ pumpkin seeds in damp cotton wool and placed them in clear plastic bags – we have hung these in a line along our window as we know that plants, seeds and flowers need sunlight to grow. We look forward to seeing the roots and shoots growing. We also planted some cress seeds in paper cups. We created funny faces on the cups and we look forward to our ‘cress hair’ growing!

We have been looking at plants that we eat and we enjoyed smelling lemon balm, mint, rosemary and sage. We planted these in our garden and look forward to watching them grow, too.

We have had lots of fun playing in our garden centre role-play area, taking turns to be the shop keeper and the customer, making lots of orders and purchases of beautiful flowers and gardening supplies.

In art, we created natural sculptures of sunflowers, using pipe cleaners, beans, pasta and real leaves; these were then photographed and are on display in our classroom.

There was lots of excitement in Kindergarten as we received a parcel of Sea Monkeys. The breaktime helper needed to purify the water using a special sachet, and then after 24 hours, we added the sea monkey eggs; we now need to be patient whilst they grow.

We continue our growing topic next week with a focus on Jack and the Beanstalk.