We have been looking at and discussing the four stages of the bean lifecycle and have been very ‘green-fingered’ in class this week, busily planting beans. We planted runner bean seeds in a clear plastic cup so that we can see what happens beneath the soil – we look forward to seeing the roots and shoots growing. We also coloured and cut out a picture of a castle, which we stuck to a lolly stick and placed into our cups to represent the castle in the story. Fingers crossed our beanstalk will grow as tall as Jack’s!
As a class, we have planted Mung Beans in a clear glass. We were surprised that they do not need soil but just need to be washed each day, very similar to us having a daily bath or shower! We also look forward to seeing the roots and shoots growing from them.
There was a lot of excitement on Wednesday as this was ‘feeding day’ for our sea monkeys. Currently, they are very tiny and, using the magnifying windows of their tank, we only managed to spot one swimming extremely fast!
In maths, we have been focusing on measuring. Using Unifix bricks, we have been estimating how many bricks are needed to make towers the same height as different sunflowers, and then measuring them to see if our predictions were correct.
Outside we raised our heartbeat as we played the bean game – ask us what we needed to do when we saw the picture of the different types of beans.
As part of our Growing Me topic next week, please can your child bring in a photograph of themselves as a baby or email one to me at a.hand@hamptonprep.org.uk