We experienced our first music lessons with Miss Bee this week, learning a new song and matching actions to accompany it.

Our Golden Rules have been introduced to the class, and these are as follows: 

  • Do Be Gentle.
  • Do Be Kind and Helpful
  • Do Listen to People
  • Do Work Hard
  • Do Look after Property
  • Do Be Honest

So far, we have focused on ‘Do Be Gentle’ and ‘Do Be Kind and Helpful’ in our circle times, talking about the need to listen first time, as there may be a very important message that could be missed. We also talked about listening to our friends and especially listening to their ideas for play.

Our topic next week is ‘Getting to Know You’ and, to this end, please could you send in a photograph of your child and immediate family members; these photographs will be used as part of our new topic but also in a display within the classroom.

A final thought to leave you with, especially if your child has siblings!