Following the weekend, friends brought in their amazing ‘autumn collections’ and we’ve had fun sharing treasures like shiny conkers, sycamore seeds, crunchy leaves, twigs of several sizes and fir cones. Each one found a special spot in our autumn display. We even used magnifying glasses to take a closer look at our beautiful leaves—what a great way to see all the tiny details!

We’ve also been busy using our fine motor skills, for example threading pretty autumn-shaped leaves and exploring pumpkins grown by Mrs Tomkins.  We read a story called Little Acorns and learned about the life cycle of an oak tree. With just our hands and some paint, we created beautiful acorn pictures that we can’t wait to show you.  Together we collaborated to create a beautiful autumn mural.  We stuck autumn pictures of hedgehogs, acorns and autumn coloured leaves on a tree. Several hedgehogs were buried under the leaves ‘to keep warm’.

In maths, we’ve been exploring the exciting world of 2D shapes. We’ve discovered their names and how many sides each one has. We’ve even learned some sophisticated new words like rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon!

Shareodactyl continues to help us learn all about sharing our ideas and toys, and in turn about friendship. Several stickers were awarded as Shareodactyl saw some great sharing going on in Kindergarten amongst friends.

We continue our autumn adventure next week.