We researched information on the computer and learned that red is a very lucky colour and gold means wealth. We had great fun with this week’s art activity as we made our own Chinese dragon using egg boxes, wool, paint and collage. We also looked at Mandarin numeral symbols; using a traditional Chinese art Sumi brush and Xuan paper we had a try at writing our own numbers. We also watched some amazing video clips of the dragon dance and the lion dance. We used the lion and dragon props to have a go at copying the moves that we saw. There has been lots of fun in our Chinese restaurant role-play area, taking friends orders and then busily cooking their requests before serving them with delicious meals. We also tried our hand using real chopsticks.
Our celebrational week finished with cooking and tasting some egg noodles. First, we observed, touched and smelt the noodles before they went into the boiling water. We made predictions that the noodles would change once they came out of the pan. We then insisted on trying the noodles – they were delicious!
Our topic next week is The Solar System.