Imagine the excitement as ‘live’ class caterpillars arrived on Monday. Using magnifying glasses, we carefully looked very closely at how they moved and climbed to the top of their enclosure, almost hanging upside down! Now at the chrysalis stage, we have moved them very quietly to the butterfly house. We look forward to them making their way out and beautiful butterflies emerging – we are keeping everything crossed that they will do so before the end of the term!
Finally, our salt dough bugs have dried and we metamorphosed them ourselves and changed them into ladybirds and bees.
There was a buzz of excitement on Thursday morning as we prepared to leave our classroom for sports field to participate in the annual sports day. The children joined in with each of the three races with gusto and a beaming smile, which was evidence that fun was had by all!
Our final topic of the year is Keeping Safe in the Summer.