We played with our small world farm and, in our field, discovered Brussel sprouts and radishes were already growing! We also practised our cutting skills on a cabbage! Using the scissors, we made lots of snips in the leaves and then pretended to cook the cabbage in real saucepans.
We have been painting and printing with carrots, potatoes, sprouts, apples and radishes, using autumn colours.
The role-play area has seen some busy shopping action this week – what great fun has been had busily shopping for fruit and vegetables.
The children have enjoyed showing their lovely ‘3’ Open Homework creations and proudly spoke in front of the class about what they made and who they made it with.
Two new class dinosaur friends joined us this week. We met ‘Kindosarus’ who’s teaching us to be kind to our friends both in word and action. Towards the end of the week another dinosaur joined our class – ‘Shareodactyl’ who is teaching us to share our ideas, friends and toys. We are working very hard to be just like them!
Next week our topic is ‘Autumn’.