We have been reading and focusing learning this week on ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. What great fun we have had reading this funny story, but most of all reading the letters from the different characters to their friends. We have been very busy writing cards and letters in ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ post office and have posted them in our class post-box. We are trying very hard to remember to hold the pencil between our thumb and two fingers, as well as writing the first letter of our name very carefully.
It’s been a very creative week, we have had lots fun using glitter to decorate our 3D angels and adding to our robin Christmas cards, which now form part of our scenery. We practised our cutting skills whilst cutting out characters from the Jolly Christmas Postman story.
The children helped make peppermint scented play dough this week and had a great time using it in their play. We love to incorporate the children’s voice in their learning – so much fun has been had with the delightfully scented play dough that some children have requested dough complete with aromas of Christmas next week!
On Tuesday we celebrated STEM day making our very own flying reindeers. We had to carefully colour a picture of a reindeer before sticking a small plastic straw on the back of it. We then gently inserted a smaller straw into this before blowing and watching our reindeers fly around our classroom.
We have also been practising for our Nativity and enjoyed dressing up in our costumes for our dress rehearsal; it was so lovely seeing our friends’ costumes too. We are very excited for our grown ups to come and see our Nativity on Tuesday.
As the weather becomes colder, the children are practising putting on their coats independently and are now even trying to do up their own zips – we are delighted with their efforts! On this note, it would be extremely helpful to have all hats, gloves and scarves clearly named.
Our topic next week is Christmas!