The beauty of our planet continually fills me with a sense of awe and wonder, whether it be the sun rising over the North Sea in Suffolk, the incredible symmetry of a peacock butterfly sipping nectar from a summer flower, or the look of unconditional love on a baby’s innocent face. With this in mind, I have launched our Inter House Photography Competition, encouraging the boys to capture their interpretation of ‘Awe and Wonder’ in a photograph. Photos should be submitted, preferably as a hard copy, no smaller than A5 or, if needed, a digital version can be emailed to

Each photo should be an original and have been taken by the entrant. Please label the photo with each boy’s name, Form and House to ease the sorting process.  The competition closes on Friday 25th February (which is the first Friday back at school after the half term break) and prizes will be awarded to one boy per year group in each House, as well as an overall winner. I cannot wait to admire the boys’ creativity. Mr Smith tells me he has been inspired by this awesome competition and there may even be another wonderful competition coming the boys’ way by the end of next week. Watch this space!