It was with great excitement that the U8 A and B teams travelled to Claremont for their first rugby fixture. It was satisfying to see how organised they were, communicating about where to stand and putting the attacking team under pressure. Some great runs by Arthur Connor and Theo Constanti and great tagging by Fin Meehan and Ronak Banerjee. Good team performances that bode well for the future.

Next week, there are fixtures for the U11s and U9s against The Mall; always a close and compelling fixture. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances the U10 Staines fixture has been cancelled.

Next Friday is the first inter-house competition of 2022, House Cross-Country! The weather is looking dry so the going should be firm and fast underfoot. It will be great to see parents spectating for the first time in two years and the boys able to sit together to cheer on their housemates, rather than in their Year group bubbles. It is always an enjoyable atmosphere, enhanced by having the Year 1 and 2 pupils also taking part. For details about timings and what pupils should wear, please see my message on School Post.