The U9s travelled to Drax field for their first proper fixture of the term. It was great to see all boys from A-D really giving it their all. It was a close game in the As resulting in a slim victory for Hampton. The Bs put in a great defensive performance to record a victory, with a clutch of tries for Theo. The Cs and Ds also put in strong performances.
Rejoice, the weather is getting warmer and it’s just in time for the Surbiton fixture next week. With all teams playing, it is certainly going to be a good test for all the boys. We in the Games department will be looking forward to seeing them in action. Please do come and spectate.
Finally, with the current temperatures it is understandable that boys have been wearing leggings for Games. However, I’d like to remind you that these should be navy blue. We want the boys to look smart on the games field and be in the correct uniform.